It hasn'tbeen quite as manic as I thought getting organised for the fayre, once I'd started sorting through everything I realised I had a bit more to my name than I thought. Sophie and I have spent alot of time making some jewellery, she provides the raw materials and I get to work! She does losts of far cuter craftier things than I do, lots of embroidery and drawing, all I do is buy lots of old junk and hope someone will buy something!
New years eve was such a good night, although alot of it was fuzzy, all I remember is lots of drinking and giggling and lovely friends around me, except for Emma who I must meet up with soon, I've abandoned her.
So the news on my car is; absolutely nothing, still no money means leaving it alone and cold in the car park until I can do something about it.
Oh I also have quite a bad chest infection which means I've spent most of my day looking at photos of Jean Seberg, so it's not all bad.