Apologies for such a photo heavy blog, but I have to admit to my huge girl crush on Zooey Deschanel. If anyone fancies cutting my hair like hers I will happily play guinea pig.Sorry Katy Perry, you just don't cut it.
I failed to mention that my super pretty 40's swiss watch came in the post the other day! I will take some pictures when I get back on top of things, I am thoroughly swamped with sorting out stuff for the fayre and trying to find any money spare to go towards taxing and mot-ing my car, tempted just to declare it off the road? Hmmmm.
So Christmas was lovely! Lots of family and friend hang outs, lots of tasty mulled wine and not so tasty quorn roast (on christmas day, fail) and plenty of puddingy stuff! I got some lovely presents, piles of books and smellies and pjs and trinkets! I spent christmas eve with my mum, brother and his girlfriend Lily (my dad had to work in the night christmas eve and day) and then with my grandparents; Son and Pete for lunch christmas day! Which was awesome because they are such cool people, but I did miss having Dad around!
We went to see Peter Pan in the panto with Rohans mum and sister on boxing day, the second half was alot funnier than the first! We then went for drinks in Le Pub in the night, which was pretty quiet but good fun except for Kevin, who at the end of the night got very close (I think) to getting murdered.
A few days before Christmas, Rohan and I took his little sister Ciara out for some snow fun!And despite me being a horrible wuss when it comes to the cold, it was a brilliant day! As I type it is again another beautiful snowy day outside, even though I don't want to go out in it, it's lovely to look at!
I really really like reading other peoples blogs and, at the danger of never leaving my cave, I could read them non-stop, especially (and quite surprisingly from a very un-fashion forward me) I love the ones of people posting what they wear, how they wear it, where it's from and if the clothes are older than I am, all the better! But when people start posting stuff from random new fashion designers I lose interest because it a) bores me and b) goes over my head. Is it a bad thing? Surely I should enjoy and strive to find the new and innovative? Maybe one day I'll get it!
The weekend was a really good one! Me and Emma went to the T.A for a few drinks with some friends from school, I ended up ordering a cup of tea instead though, was not feeling drink drinks. I spent all of Saturday feeling sorry for myself and nursing a cold, but manned up enough to get to Le Pub, Saturday night for Stars, which was just as good if not better than the other times I've gone! Rohan got drunk and sleepy by about 9pm (slight exaggeration) but Laura, Kevin, Calvin (or Teach as he was known all night) and I didn't get to bed until about half 6 in the morning; the next day though I didn't feel half as bad as I thought I would! Here's two videos of Journey's set, David and the guys did and awesome job! As did Terror, Alice in Chains, Bowie and Motley Crue!
Also hurray at the snow and general Christmas vibe going on at the moment! I took some pictures in the snow, nothing great but it was fun. I also took a picture of the best candle in the world, that looks like a little glowing planet or something! That's pretty much it, I think tomorrow it's Christmas shopping and preparing for the fayre in January because I finally have a small sum of money to my name, hurray!
Rohan attempting to sing and play the geetarr at the same time, not exactly a success but the thought was there!
The tiny christmas tree, with Beaker on top as our christmas fairy/angel/star! Decorated with earrings because we couldn't afford proper decorations, but I think it worked out okay!
Last night I went over to my parents house to stay the night, I do technically live there but it's rare I sleep there nowadays! Before we went I got(kind of) serenaded by Rohan, my lovely better half, of who I will post a picture when I figure out how! The other eventful happening was my little brother reversing his car into the front of mine this morning, no major damage just the front light has gone and despite how much I love that car, I really didn't mind, much worse could have happened! Oh! I took a photo of our lovely little christmas tree this morning and finished decorating, again I'll put it up when I stop being such a technophobe!
So, my first ever blog! I have a rough idea of how this works but still, bear with me! It took a fair amount of time to choose what the name of the blog should be; I tried to go for something original and got nothing, so I went with a quote from the greatest human being ever, Mr David Attenborough, not only do i absolutely love him, it's quite cute too! Hello everyone and goodnight!